Meet the new star on KE Lights Laserbeam sky...the graphic glimmer laser! Its 20kpps speed provides a perfect backdrop for performing the programmed graphics. Every graphic will be displayed in red or green in many ways. When used outside the graphic-glimmer-laser will show perfect performance results, as it is possible to project up to 50 m into the distance ! Its graphics contain figurs of men and different shapes, 3 D movements of shapes, figures, animals, morphing graphics and lots more. technical data: - garanteed perfomance: 175mW; typical: 200mW/532nm (red 150mW; green 50mW)
- Lasersource: luftgekühlte Diodenlaser (TEC)
- Laserclass 3b
- radiation data: 3mm/1mrad
- Galvosystem: fast, reliable scannersystem
- Scanspeed: max. 20.000pps
- operation mode: Sound, Auto, DMX
- DMX 512: 12 channels
- basic patterns: >100
- Laser-Safety: safety switch according to IEC 60825-1
- power supply: 110V - 240V AC
- power intake: 28W
- messurements: 280 x 20 x 15 mm (B x T x H)
- weight: 2,5 kg
- warranty: 2 years